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Hacienda tokens from Guanajuato (earlier)

Hacienda de San Cristobal Acámbaro

San Cristobal Acambaro

Hacienda de San Cristobal Acámbaro was in colonial times one of the most important haciendas in Mexico. It was founded approximately in the middle of the seventeenth century, and much of the old town was built in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries.

Doña María Micaela Gregoria Romero de Terreros y Trebuesto, second Maquesa de San Francisco and eldest daughter of Pedro Romero de Terreros, Conde de Regla, owned and lived in the hacienda during the period from 1778 until her death in 1817. Her treatment of her workers resulted in a lawsuit.

San Cristobal Acambaro 2
Legal Defence of Doña María Micaela Romero de Terreros y Trebuesto, Marquesa de San Francisco, in the writs of chapters promoted before the Superior Government of this N. E. by Don Antonio Larrondo, justice in charge of the district of Acámbaro, jurisdiction of Celaya, on the conduct observed in the hacienda of San Cristóbal and the bad treatment of its free and slave workers, whose case is pending in the Royal Criminal Chamber by appeal that the said Doña Marquesa filed against the final determination that was issued by the Intendancy of Guanajuato, by Don Fernando Fernández de San Salvador, lawyer of the Real Audiencia and of its Illustrious College, in the year 1796.

The marquesa issued extremely an limited numbers of copper tokens of ½, 1, 2, 4 and 8 reales for use in her holdings.