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Morelos coinage


The mill at Atlihuayan during the Porfiriato

Sánchez Garza mentions that only copper coins were minted in Atlihuayan, an important sugar plantation owned by General Pablo Escandón y BarrónPablo Escandón y Barrón was born in Morelos in 1857. He was educated in England until 1875. On his father’s death in 1878 he returned to Mexico and inherited a fortune of almost five million pesos. He belonged to the Científicos and owned two haciendas in Morelos, Xochimancas and San Diego Atlihuayán. As a member of the Mexican polo team he won a bronze medal at the 1900 Olympics, Mexico’s first Olympic medal.
He was a career soldier and became a brigadier general and Porfirio Díaz' Jefe de Estado Mayor. He was a deputy for Guanajuato from 1894 until 1912 and was governor of Morelos from 15 March 1909 until May 1911, but abandoned the governorship and went to the United States on Díaz’ resignation. He came back to support Huerta but on his defeat, returned to exile. He came back after 1920 and died in Mexico City on 31 March 1926.
. Currently it is also believed that certain coins could have been minted in Tlaltizapán, where Zapata had his headquarters. Octavio Paz journalist who visited Zapata several times mentions: "In the mill of Tlatizapán ...a factory had been set up to mint money, with the necessary apparatus and tools, because General Zapata always wanted the currency called Zapatista to circulate in the territory controlled by his forces". Muñoz visited the Tlaltizapán mill of n in the 1970s and observed the existence of water-powered turbine that could be used for the lamination and a niche that would serve for the foundry. In the place they had on display a silver bar of 4.6 kilos and a few copper coins copper and a two pesos silver coin they said were found at the site.


Revolutionaries. On the reverse is written "Revolucionarios surianos en la Hda. de Atlihuayán Morelos"

In late 1915 and early 1916 General Amador Salazar ordered the minting of copper coins of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 centavos and silver coins of one peso. putting José Barrios in charge.

Amador SalazarAmador Salazar Jiménez was born in Cuernavaca on 30 April 1868, a cousin of Emiliano Zapata. In his youth he worked as a farmhand in the hacienda de Atlihuayán, owned by Pablo Escandón, the governor of the state of Morelos but as a result of his antisocial behaviour he was sent into the army and his father had to pay to get him discharged. He was one of the first to join Zapata in his revolt, and rose to the rank of General de División in the Ejército Libertador del Sur. At the beginning of 1915, during the government of the Convention, he was entrusted with the direction and start-up of the Atlihuayan mill. On 11 March 1915 the Convention appointed him military commander of the valle de México, a post he held until 2 August, when the Zapatistas had to evacuate the capital. He continued to fight against the Carrancistas and when they threatened to take his headquarters at Yautepec, he went out to inspect his forces and was killed in an ambush on 16 April 1916.

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KM-695 Atlihuayan 2c

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KM-696 Atlihuayan 5c

697 Atlihuayan 10c697 Atlihuayan 10c reverse
KM-697 Atlihuayan 10c (Stack’s-Bowers Auction, 12 September 2023, lot 73439)

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KM-701 Atlihuayan 20c

704 Atlihuayan 50c704 Atlihuayan 50c reverse
KM-704 Atlihuayan 50c (Stack’s-Bowers Auction, 25 August 2023, lot 57285)

706 Atlihuayan 50c706 Atlihuayan 50c reverse
KM-706 Atlihuayan 50c (Stack’s-Bowers ANA Auction, 4 August 2017, lot 21288)